Saturday, December 29, 2012

Mirror Your Android And iPhone Devices On Any Screen In Your Car - Now Shipping

Now Shipping

The kit from Intraphex  can be used with iPhones or Android phones “for every app you have on your phone.  There’s no jail breaking,” said Intraphex CTO  Don Zaney.
“Mom can send videos to the back seat and you are not limited to specific apps.  For every app, you see the same interface on the screen,” he said.
Kids can plug in their iPhone and run games that display on the rear seat entertainment screen.
The kit is using proprietary technology rather than MirrorLink,(a (standard that aims to allow any smartphone to be mirrored on any car radio screen, but which has not yet taken off). Also the kit does not let you control the apps from the car screen or radio, only view them.
Intraphex chose to release its kit with proprietary technology rather than waiting for the MirrorLink standard to gain a foothold, at least for the time being.
The car kit, called the S.I.D. for Smartphone Integration Device will carry a suggested retail price of $599.  It includes the interface, wiring harness, and HDMI cable. Proprietary phone adapters must be purchased from the phone manufacturer.
For more information on the SID interface and other Intraphex Prodigy Navigation interfaces contact us at: 

and on our website at :
Source: Intraphex